Saturday, November 8, 2008

New printmaking project!

So it's taken half a semester to think of my semester long project for my printmaking class. But i finally have it. 

I shall create a 7.5ft long print with five 18"x30" MDF boards. Sectioning the block will allow me to better handle the entire piece and i could print each block separately with the press (hopefully) giving me the strong graphic look that i have used in other pieces. 

I will then use invisible frame frames to put the pieces back together
er if i end up showing it. 

Or so is my plan. But we shall see what happens between now and the middle of December.

First i wrapped all five blocks in butcher paper (just crappy paper to try my template on) Then i drew the actual image i wanted on each block on the paper, next i will decide where i want my darks and lights. After that i transfer the image to the block by rubbing the back of the paper with charcoal and transferring it with a pencil, and redraw it with a sharpie. 

 To five separate blocks i have to make sure that the lines on each image connect together. So i have to draw them next to each other, but i kinda needed to rearrange the tables in the room to do so. And may have forgot to put them back where i found them when i left the studio today... 

Progress at the end of today? nearly all the blocked draw on the paper, few corrections and a chat with my professor if i can get a hold of her then onto transferring the images and starting the carving process. Probably about 4-5 weeks till finals week.  At least i have a goal. 

The really cool thing is that if you look back at the first image. That sketch in the end will reverse itself and will read from left to right, instead of it's current right to left form.  The crazy thing is i drew it exactly as it needs to be drawn on the books so that it will read from left to right, i didn't' consciously choose to do that! just doodle, doodle, doodle... huh... ? wtf?!? sweet. 

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