Thursday, November 13, 2008

Epic project continues...

Work continues on my large scale woodblock print project. Only about four weeks left in the semester if i count thanksgiving, which looks like I'll be taking my carvings home with me.  Hopefully being able to hide away in the garage and work. 
Here is the best image of what i intend to carve to print. I apologize because they aren't' fluidly linked together but the general idea should be observed. 
Each block will connect with the next lining up the panorama

First i created a template on paper with sharpies so that i could line the blocks up with each other and make any changes to my image.  Then i removed the paper, coated the back of it with charcoal and then transferred my image by tracing over my image with a pencil.  the charcoal left a ghost image much like the image left by carbon paper.  which i then retraced with sharpie to determine my dark and light areas of the image. 

Below is the blocks waiting for my carving tools. They also show how the finished piece should fit together. 

Surprisingly the first block i drew and became inspired to draw became the first victim of my carving tools. And it might be the only one i really want to recut and use my templates to trace a new image. I'm not quite happy with the marks i began my caving with. And after the first few slices i realized that it might have a better impact if i did it a different way that would allow me to carve more wood out in the future if i didn't' like the first print. 

Lovely view of the first hour of carving. Nice little pile of wood shavings.
Work will continue though out the weekend to see how much i can get done.  

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