Saturday, July 16, 2011

Never take pictures when your blood sugar is low...

I have been playing with a new series of work. Working title is simply "The Doodles." Exploring color, abstraction, emotion in a variety of materials and mediums. So far nothing has burst into flames. (yay!) I've been using anything i have laying around for this project. Prestreched canvas, salvaged barn boards, salvaged barn window glass, illustration board, postal packaging, wood, MDF, canvas board, and paper. Basically whatever i have laying around in reach.

Combining this series with my goal of one artwork a week has been easy. Though with going back to working a normal daytime schedule (8am-5:30p) I've been fighting with having enough energy to even do a little work on my artwork when i return home in the evenings. So I will admit that I am lagging in my determination to maintain my goal.

I will soon have all the pieces I have photographed so far online on my website soon. I will have to reshoot a couple pieces simply because i never noticed how badly my hands were shaking while taking the pictures from too much caffeine and too little food. So goes life I suppose. But with me banging out so many pieces i seem to have discovered an overflow of work, some fairly large or breakable. Which means very soon I will begin to offer them for sale.

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