Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Still Alive.

Oh hey. I've got a blog. 2.5 months. that's not too long to leave something setting into nothing right??

Where to begin. At the beginning of May I decided to force myself to finish a art project a week. Any medium. Any style. Just get one thing finished and done a week. Well apparently I have the attention span of a rabbit on cocaine.

I attended the Spring BFA 2011 Exhibition of some very dear friends of mine in SUNY Oswego. Got there to find pretty much the entire group of students i've worked with over my 6 years there in Oz graduating. Honestly i didn't get through one gallery before the 2 hour show closed. So many people to talk to so many happy moments to remember. But it gave me a royal kick in the pants. Well these... "kids" are doing more than i ever did in my time there. So better kick it up a notch.

Back to this Work a Week goal. Honestly i hate lists, i hate making goals. They anger me for some reason. But this one has really gotten on my nerves. Not only am I motivated enough to get something done but I'm embarrassed if i can't finish something in a week. (probably why i haven't told anyone recently. (really need to change the name of my blog...) )

So i finally said F**K IT. I was out of my typical paper i use and had no choice but to start experimenting with other surfaces. I used my trustworthy sharpie. (never failed me yet) got drunk, (another great artist tip to make something happen) and attacked a pre-stretched canvas i've had laying around the house since high school. Something happened. the next morning i found a relatively finished product. But that piece led to another... and another. I had 3 finished works by the time Tuesday hit. (began on a sat night) *below*

Another and another followed. Canvas, MDF Particle board, and a reclaimed barn board. teh same base green till i felt i was done for the moment with that color. Then i started in on the blue shades. At this point i wasn't just playing with the color or the medium but beginning to discover how the medium and color connected with an emotion, even the surface had something to say. The surface dictated shape, the color and then the eyes.

The way i applied the paint made me feel that the texture interacting with the surface dictated emotion. Blue is angry if thrown at the surface.

Now 3 weeks in, almost 10 paintings..(?) in i have no idea where this is going. Let's just hope i don't step on broke glass. or nails... or whatever else i start painting on. Always with my eyes though. Doodle eyes. Simple. Direct. Eyes. So many connotations.

Like i've said before. Catch me if i can, i may have fallen down a rabbit hole deeper than i've ever before. Let's see where this goes.

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