Monday, July 21, 2008

9.11 Self Portrait

I accidently found that I have pictures of my finished large scale drawing project. I actually "finished" (i might change a few things next time i pull it out.) on May 11. This was a difficult project, mainly to come up with an idea, and it took me days to actually accept the design and put it down on paper.

Titled: 9.11 Self Portrait: My Reactions To, After, and Since 9.11.
May 2008
Mixed Media(graphite, charcoal, watercolor, oil pastels, and oil bars)
Approx: 60"x48"


Anonymous said...

thats awesome iggy how big is it? how r u doin? im computerless :(

Anonymous said...

I really like it Lizzy. (From Kel, the other is from Kenny-he murdered his computer! LOL)