Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back to Miette

Few characters make me return to them so often. Yet Miette is determined to keep popping up. Though I have had several character's i've RP'd that became pretty in-depth, Miette seems to have entwined her tentacles into my mind. So i think i will take another exploration of her adventures.

Miette's Adventures into the World.
Featuring Mark the Barnacle.

Now, where did i put my sketch book?


Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued...who's in the basket and where is Meitte? You have the makings of real drama here with a sense of the old "BC" series. It demands to be continued.

ElizHunt said...

Miette is in the barrel. She's a octo-human hybrid. shielding herself from the harsh desert by hiding in a barrel of water. Working on story boarding it.